rave about the power of the products they are able to offer through their company. While there is certainly a measure of satisfaction in empowering people with a great product, your product really doesn't matter when it comes down to what will determine your success in network marketing. Want proof? Here's the proof!
Are there other network marketers that offer products completely different from yours that are earning full time, even 6-7 figure incomes? Of course there are.
Are there other network marketers that offer products similar to yours that are earning full time, even 6-7 figure incomes? In many cases the answer is yes, there are.
So if people are earning huge incomes, even though they aren't marketing your product, it must be that your network marketing product really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Now, of course, you can't go around offering junk and expect to be successful. However, you also cannot think that just because you have a good product that will guarantee your success.
Network Marketing Success = Networking and Marketing
Too many distributors in this industry put all their focus on their product. It's good to be passionate about your product.
However, if you want to build long term success in the network marketing industry, you must understand that your product is not the key determining factor for your success.
There are only two determining factors in your success in network marketing and they are your ability to network and your ability to market. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Effective Networking
In order to build a successful network marketing business, you must learn how to effectively network.
There is a very good chance that out of all of the individuals that you personally sponsor, very few of them are going to be the ones that cause your business to explode. At least not directly.
Personally sponsoring the superstar leader is extremely rare. However, even if the distributors you sponsor are not superstar leaders, that doesn't mean they don't offer value to your organization. These individuals can often LEAD you to the superstar leaders that literally build your business.
How often do you hear the following story in network marketing?
Superstar distributor (not a superstar at the time) sponsors Distributor A. Distributor A sponsors Distributor B. Distributor B sponsors Distributor C. Distributor C sponsors Distributor D.
Distributor D is a corporate executive that wants out of corporate America in the worst possible way because he's tired of never seeing his kids. He takes his network marketing business, explodes it, and all of a sudden, superstar distributor becomes Superstar Distributor.
This type of story goes on all of the time in network marketing. It happens because of the ability to network through the levels of Distributor's A, B and C.
The Marketing in Network Marketing
The second requirement for success in network marketing is to know how to market. The only way you are ever going to sponsor anyone so that you can leverage their networks is if you know how to market your business opportunity. It is the marketing of your business opportunity that gives you the ability to sponsor new distributors and network through their contacts.
The distributors that fail to sponsor and recruit consistently simply don't know how to effectively market their business opportunity. They must learn how to market if they ever want to turn these difficulties around. Otherwise they will continue to struggle in this industry.
Focus on Network + Marketing
So don't focus so much on your product that you lose focus on what really matters for success in network marketing. Work on improving your ability to network and improving your ability to market and you will go a long way in this industry
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks.
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