Why People Hate Network Marketing

Network Marketing is a very lucrative business to begin with, specially for people who doesn’t have business background. A person can start a business with little-no capital through this business model and can make a massive income from it. Compare with traditional business models, in network marketing you don’t need business permits, too many paper works, and the risk is very low but the potential income is high.

The network marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry in the world.

But Why People Hate Network Marketing?

This topic reminds me of the first eBook that I read for the network marketing industry – The 7 Great Lies of Networking Marketing by Ann Sieg of The Renegade Network Marketing. The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing talks about the what most up-lines teach their down-lines, which are now ineffective that is why many people are failing in the industry. The 7 Great Lies claims that incorporating true marketing will drastically improve your chances of success.

Is There A True Marketing In Network Marketing?

I believe the answer relies on two variable: first is distributor / affiliates, and second training system of the company. Majority of average network marketers just rely on hearsay of people who don’t have success in network marketing. And most of the company doesn’t provide a good training system to equip their distributor to succeed in the industry.

Network Marketers Are Liars!

Well if you ask me it still depends on the distributor. Yes, I admit there are some liars, and there are some not. This is one of the reason why the network marketing industry is becoming a circus and lot of people despise the industry because of too much hype, greed, and lies. So it is very important that you trust the person who invite you to join his / her opportunity. And make sure that you separate yourself and your team from the crowds of network marketers that you think are doing unpleasant things and will only ruin the name of the industry, and your name of course.

How to Make People Love the Network Marketing Industry?

People will love the network marketing industry if you make them love you and trust you

Network Marketing is just only an industry, the problem is the people in the industry that makes people hate the industry. People will never be loyal to product, company, and compensation plan but they will be always loyal to you. To make people love the industry is to make them love you. To make people love you is to show genuine interest to your prospects and respect what your prospect really wants.

I know a lot of network marketers thinking that the industry is the only way to make rich. Network Marketing is designed for all walks of life but not people are design for the industry. So respect what they want.

Don’t put something on Social Media bragging about your opportunity, your dreams and success, and criticizing the people who didn’t join your opportunity. Because people will only despise and hate the industry more.

Get interested on other people’s interest, show empathy to them, and have a moral obligation to tell them the truth what the network marketing industry offers.

Recommended Products and Services
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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