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How Get Motivated When You’re Feeling Down On Your Internet Network Marketing Business?

Are you feeling down on your internet network marketing business? Then motivate yourself, don’t rely on others to motivate you because you are the owner of your business not your business associate.

  • Review your dreams
  • Study and apply new strategies (the greatest movitation is not hype but education)
  • Be with positive people…
  • …and be Positive
  • Review your goals and count your achievements not losses
  • Don’t focus too much on problem but on solutions (Success is coated with problem just as egg yolk is coated with eggshell)
  • Most of all be grateful and count your blessings!

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Have a great day ahead and more success to you

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Understanding How Pyramid Scheme Works…Common Misconception About Network Marketing

There are lot of misconception about network marketing, most people think network marketing is a ponzi or pyramid scheme because of the triangle/pyramid structure of the mlm sales organization. Try to understand that the issue in pyramid scheme is not the triangle structure, if you notice all organizational structure is pyramid in shape, whether it is a government or corporate. (see image below)

A pyramid scheme is an investment scheme like mutual funds, stocks or even savings but the different is it offers a super high interest return compare to these legitimate investment firms.

This is how a Pyramid Scam works

1. A legitimate investment such as stocks or mutual funds use your invested money to fund a business. So if the business grows then the dividend of your money grows also. While in a pyramid scam you earn by getting other to invest in the investment structure.

2. In a pyramid scheme – a person recruited pays a fee that is remitted to the promoter and is promised that his income will come from subsequent series of recruits and payment fees to the promoter by others. In Network Marketing, income does not come from recruiting people but from sales of products. So the more sales you and your team generate the more income you’ll get.

Therefore in Network Marketing it’s all about SALES of PRODUCTS and SERVICES. It is no difference to other sales organization.

Ending Up Misconception In Network Marketing

To end up this post, common misconception about network marketing largely brought by people who lack of knowledge about the industry. Other are based only on bias opinion of unsuccessful distributors.

Try to understand network marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it is a good business model for people who doesn’t have experience and knowledge in the world of entrepreneurship. If someone tells you that you will get rich in network marketing then believe because it is true, but not overnight. This is a business you still have to work on. Skill, proper mindset and continuous education is 100 percent important in order to succeed in this industry.

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Did You Know That Going to College Is Only a Waste of Money???


This blog post of mine is not intended to bash our education system but this was based on my observation and what history is telling us. I’m also a graduate student, in fact I've been a dean’s list in my college life but there are lots of irregularities that I notice in our education system. Therefore I came up to the conclusion that going to school and acquiring a good grades to get a job in only a waste of money for some reasons.

1.) Many students are taking and buying courses from universities that they are not passionate about. Therefore most of them end up having an unsatisfying job because their life are not design for it.

2.) Students are taking courses that they don’t like because their parents and some relatives told them that they should take the IN-DEMAND courses so that they can make lots of money and have a high paying job.

3.) Students are applying for any kinds of course just for the sake to have course and finish college.

4.) Getting a college degree is the key to success.

Listen to Your Passion

If you are just getting a course because someone told you that the course you are going to take will give you a high paying job then I recommend that you find a course that you are passionate about. Don’t buy to the idea of other people because you are the one who engineer and build you own life. Your parents and relatives may suggest you to take this kind of course, but always listen to your heart and mind. Know your talent, skill, and ability. Make sure that the course you are taking fits your personality otherwise you will jump into another course or another university and retake most of the subjects that will not credit by your 2nd or 3rd college you are applying. For heaven’s sake don’t waste money because this is not a good experiment.

Get a LIFE

If you are unsure of the course you are going to take then better not to apply for it. Find what you are passionate about because when you do things that you love about, you will excel in that area. Don’t just get a degree, get a LIFE!

Don’t Buy to the Idea that having a College Degree is the ONLY key to Success

Getting a college degree is the key to success? Hmmm… Well this is a totally LIE! Who told you that getting a bachelor’s degree will make you successful? Those people pretending that they are successful! In fact I know a lot of people who doesn't have college degree yet they are making a lot of money and transforming the lives of every people.

Haven’t you notice? School owners and board members are making advertising campaigns before or every enrollment month? It’s because THEY WANT YOUR MONEY! They will provide you a course and tell you that if you graduate on their school with this degree you will become successful yet they will not teach you HOW. But they will provide you lots of activities that is why a lot of people are not result oriented. They focus on too much activities that are not creating result.

The Bottom line

If you are so sure that the course you are going to take is base on your passion then GO for it otherwise you are wasting your money or your parent’s money.

Another thing. If you want to financial freedom by creating more money, and having a time freedom so that you can have more time with your love ones then don’t go to school! Become an Entrepreneur!

Well Mr. Social Media Entrepreneur – there are courses in universities that offers entrepreneurial course!

Well it will help but not much! Because the Education System are designed to make you employee not entrepreneur.

So the best way to become a successful ENTREPRENEUR is to find a mentor and do it NOW! You don’t have to finish and perfect everything before you start. That’s the good thing being an Entrepreneur will learn through your personal experience and experience of others!

So my conclusion here is that you can not rely on colleges and universities to make you successful. And going to college is only a waste of money if you are taking the course that you are not passionate about!

Recommended Products and Services
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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Why the Government Hate Pyramid Scam??!

Why government hates pyramid scam?! It’s because they don’t make money from it. Any businesses that our government are not making profit from are considered illegal. But did you know that the greatest pyramid scam of all is our SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM (SSS)?

Few years ago GSIS depleted it’s fund. They reasoned out to the public that it was a system error but I don’t think so. GSIS and SSS are no difference from each other. I believe this is what many financial experts are saying about Social Security System (The Greatest Pyramid Scam of All)…. So why rely on our government for our living, they are just a bunch of puppets and scammers! Harness your gifting, talent and skill to make a living.

We have been given the POWER and the ability to produce wealth, So USE It!

Recommended Products and Services

*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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Why Your MLM Company’s Replicated Website Will Not Make Any Sale?

I’ve seen a lot of network marketers bragging that their company offers a replicated website. The truth is these replicated sites are just baloney and will not make convert traffic into sales.

For some reasons:

Disclaimer: the following content that I’m going to share are based only on my opinion and experience as an internet marketer. If your company’s replicated site works for you then that’s good. These are only based on our standard as an experienced internet marketer.

1. It is not designed to make a sale, it’s just only a brochure of what your company offers.

2. It is not focus on what benefits it can give to people. People doesn’t care about your company, what they care most are the benefits they can get.

3. It doesn’t have headline to catch attention remember the 3 second rule on websites. If you don’t have a good headline then people will just click the back button or visit another site.

4. It has many link to click on just to get the information, it should be compress to one page only.

5. Sometimes it has a flash animation which take too much time to download

6. It doesn’t capture leads such as contact information of the person who visit the site.

Anyway these are only SOME of the reasons why it will not convert. In this post also I’m going to share with you “How to make a good website that will convert traffic into sales.”

1. It should be one page

2. It must have an optin form which means that you can capture visitors information so that you can build relationship with them

3. It must have a good headline that capture the attention of your audience

4. A good introduction the will grab the visitor’s interest at an emotional level and that will draw visitors into the copy allowing you to make a presentation of the product or service your offer.

5. It should provide credibility through testimonials about real results. It should also include the person’s fullname and picture.

6. Enumerate the benefits of your products and services using bullet format.

7. Bonus: It should also include something valuable in addition to the main product.

8. It should have an ordering button like “Make Order Now”. And make the ordering process and instructions absurdly clear.

After you created a sales page please do split testing to measure the effectiveness of the sales page.

Recommended Products and Services
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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How to Make Money In Network Marketing and Stand Against the Crowd of Other Marketers

Can I really make money in network marketing is the common question that people ask when they are first introduce in the industry. Well my qualified answer is ‘Yes…’ you can make money in network marketing.

Most new businesses fail – many don’t last a year. Similarly, most new network marketers give up within 3 months. Network marketing is hard. Most people are ready for the hard work in the first month. But how about the following months?

This could be more difficult if you have to put down your current job and family life at the same time.

Also money from network marketing starts slowly if you don’t have the right skill. Tons amount of money will come only after mastery of the skill, and steady product customers.

Being a professional network marketer involves more than just selling. You need to build a powerful dominant team and loyal customers. You can’t assume that commission paychecks will magically come to you after you sign-up.

Sales and promotion is a part of being a professional network marketer. If you can not sell and promote yourself then you are limiting your potential income. Yes, many people are making good money in the industry, but it doesn’t mean that you will become successful as they are. You have to perform well and need to sell.

You must have something to offer that will differentiate you from the crowds of marketers. The offer is not only your company products and compensation plan but it’s all about your skills, talents and value. I would recommened that you learn the principle of Attraction Marketing or Magnetic Sponsoring so that your offer can go against today’s competition.

Only a small percentage of people who attempt to make money in network marketing succeed at actually making a living. Some professional network marketers are making 6-8 figure monthly.

Critical to success is having the right attitude, right skills, a powerful brand, and a unique selling proposition or offer.

Recommended Products and Services
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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Why People Hate Network Marketing

Network Marketing is a very lucrative business to begin with, specially for people who doesn’t have business background. A person can start a business with little-no capital through this business model and can make a massive income from it. Compare with traditional business models, in network marketing you don’t need business permits, too many paper works, and the risk is very low but the potential income is high.

The network marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry in the world.

But Why People Hate Network Marketing?

This topic reminds me of the first eBook that I read for the network marketing industry – The 7 Great Lies of Networking Marketing by Ann Sieg of The Renegade Network Marketing. The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing talks about the what most up-lines teach their down-lines, which are now ineffective that is why many people are failing in the industry. The 7 Great Lies claims that incorporating true marketing will drastically improve your chances of success.

Is There A True Marketing In Network Marketing?

I believe the answer relies on two variable: first is distributor / affiliates, and second training system of the company. Majority of average network marketers just rely on hearsay of people who don’t have success in network marketing. And most of the company doesn’t provide a good training system to equip their distributor to succeed in the industry.

Network Marketers Are Liars!

Well if you ask me it still depends on the distributor. Yes, I admit there are some liars, and there are some not. This is one of the reason why the network marketing industry is becoming a circus and lot of people despise the industry because of too much hype, greed, and lies. So it is very important that you trust the person who invite you to join his / her opportunity. And make sure that you separate yourself and your team from the crowds of network marketers that you think are doing unpleasant things and will only ruin the name of the industry, and your name of course.

How to Make People Love the Network Marketing Industry?

People will love the network marketing industry if you make them love you and trust you

Network Marketing is just only an industry, the problem is the people in the industry that makes people hate the industry. People will never be loyal to product, company, and compensation plan but they will be always loyal to you. To make people love the industry is to make them love you. To make people love you is to show genuine interest to your prospects and respect what your prospect really wants.

I know a lot of network marketers thinking that the industry is the only way to make rich. Network Marketing is designed for all walks of life but not people are design for the industry. So respect what they want.

Don’t put something on Social Media bragging about your opportunity, your dreams and success, and criticizing the people who didn’t join your opportunity. Because people will only despise and hate the industry more.

Get interested on other people’s interest, show empathy to them, and have a moral obligation to tell them the truth what the network marketing industry offers.

Recommended Products and Services
*Here are my recommendations for products and services that I've personally reviewed and which I believe can help you on your personal growth journey. This is a very short list since it only includes my top picks. 

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